If you’re wondering how to repair your credit and need some help, you’ve probably heard about credit repair companies and seen ads on the web promising to help you raise your credit score by up to 100 points for just $200. It sounds like it could be too good to be true, and it is. Here are reasons why you shouldn’t pay for the best credit repair companies online, especially if you want to do things the right way and avoid credit repair scams altogether.
A free credit report doesn’t give you all the information
You’re entitled to one free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every year. But that doesn’t mean you should pay for a copy of your report. Here’s why the annual free reports come with important information, like open and closed accounts, public records, and whether or not someone has tried to take out an account in your name. And if you find fraudulent activity on any of these reports, it’s crucial that you dispute it as soon as possible.
The best credit repair companies offer consultations for $50 or less, with so many options available, this is a good way to go about things without wasting money on unnecessary services.
There are no free services on the Internet
When it comes to your credit report, you shouldn’t have to pay for something that’s supposed to be free.
Credit Reporting Agencies Can Charge A Late Fee If Your Report Is Delayed: The most common type of fee is a late fee (usually $25-$35) and it can happen if the bureau does not receive your updated information on time.