Deep tissue massage might seem like a luxury item, but even in the 21st century, this ancient therapy is still highly effective for alleviating complaints ranging from work-related stress to pain from repetitive strain injuries. Research shows that it can reduce anxiety, muscle tension and aches, as well as improve mood and enhance creativity. With its proven therapeutic effects, businesses are beginning to consider paying for deep tissue massages as a means of workplace wellness programs. Here are the benefits.
Improved air quality and better work performance
Research shows that the type of 광주출장 massage with the deepest pressure, known as deep tissue massage, improves blood circulation, which in turn can reduce swelling and pain. This makes it particularly useful for those who travel on business quite frequently.
An improved ability to resist illness
In addition to its ability to improve air quality and work performance, research has shown that deep tissue massage can also enhance an individual’s immune system. This means that employees who are regularly massaged are less likely to catch colds or other respiratory infections and will stay healthier overall.
Better sleep and reduced stress
As a result of the improved immune system, employees who receive regular massages are also less likely to suffer from insomnia. Even when faced with stressful situations, they are able to stay calm and think clearly.
Reduced muscle tension and increased mobility
Those who have received regular massages often have better control over their muscles and tendons, which helps them reduce work-related injury risk. This also reduces fatigue, which can help an employee avoid burnout.
Greater productivity and less stress at work
Many business owners see deep tissue massages as a means of boosting morale and improving productivity. Studies have shown that those who receive regular massages are able to perform with greater efficiency and speed, which translates into greater revenue. In addition, they tend to stay in better spirits while they are at work, so this has a positive effect on their overall stress levels, as well.
Increased creativity
When we are tense and stressed, it is harder to concentrate, think critically and solve problems. Receiving regular massages helps us to relax, improving our mental focus and allowing us to come up with more innovative solutions when tackling problems at work.
Enhanced recovery from illness or exercise
While those who receive deep tissue massages enjoy the benefits of increased immunity, those from physically strenuous jobs such as construction work often turn to deep tissue massage for pain relief. Those who work out on a regular basis also find that after a thorough deep tissue massage, their muscles are no longer sore and they can exercise with greater intensity.
Improved blood flow and increased immunity
Research has shown that deep tissue massage can strengthen the immune system by increasing blood flow and improving overall circulation. This can be especially useful to those with existing medical conditions, such as heart disease, or those who are undergoing physical therapy for injuries such as depression or arthritis.