What is la herida del eneatipo 2 and its strength?

la herida del eneatipo 2

The personality types are divided into nine categories, each of which is based on a particular type. The person with la herida del eneatipo 2 is helpful, lovely, and caring. These people’s wound is the “fear of not receiving the same love and care from others” that they give. This is because they do not feel insecure or rejected.

This love and care for others need to be valued more, but in the machine world, people mistakenly believe that it can only be achieved by satisfying others’ needs rather than their own. Then they followed it to satisfy others’ needs to achieve their love, but they never achieved it completely because they misunderstood what true care is.

Prioritizing the needs of others is an important aspect of being a good person. As a result, they assist a person more, and expecting love back from the person aggravates their wound. After certain incidents, this causes them to be hurt and unable to be alone.

la herida del eneatipo 2

In these, there are two types where



A healthy person freely gives unconditional love to others, and they are comfortable satisfying others’ needs by sacrificing their own. This la heridadeleneatipo 2 group is protected by a healthy give-and-take balance of love in their lives. This necessitates some distance awareness and the development of a balanced wound style.

They can recognize their worth and values, gently guide them toward others in a genuine manner, understand others’ feelings, and maintain a healthy connection.


This type of person is frequently chastised if they do not receive the love and sacrifice that they offer to others. They try to have control over the relationship and overbear the love. They excuse themselves and play the victim to gain sympathy from other people. This results in a variety of physical illnesses for the individual.

Strength of eneatipo 2

The ennea type 2 wounds’ strength is

  • Helpful
  • Caring
  • Generous adaptive
  • Insightful
  • Enthusiastic
  • Demonstrative
  • Supportive
  • Self-sacrifice

They are also known as helpers because when they are hurt, they lose their freshness and pure love and cease to be transparent to their loved one.

How to heal?

A test will suggest detecting the percentage of a coincidence to determine what type of effect you have. Based on the result, the enneatype will be identified. Individuals are treated by shielding themselves from excessive love, sacrificing their desire to make others happy, and connecting with the truth in their environment.