Cleaning your whole house is the sort of thing that would generally require upwards of five to six hours of your time because of the fact that it is a very intensive endeavor and you need to put this much time into it if you want to confidently state that you have been as comprehensive as possible in that regard. The thing is, most people don’t have this much time available to them, so the best thing to do here is to find out ways in which you can go about reducing the time required to get things done at the end of the day.
Suffice it to say that automating your cleaning process by renting some equipment from humble carpet cleaning companies is one of the most efficient ways of speeding your cleaning requirements up so that you have more free time to play video games, watch movies and TV shows as well as go out with your friends. That said, you might need some advice pertaining to which carpet cleaning machines are the best ones to rent, and we have an answer that you would love to hear because of how intuitive and simple it is.
This answer to the question that you are obsessing over is a hot water extractor. This machine is widely thought to be the best because it is so easy to use. Instead of having to contend with fiddly knobs and gadgets, you can just switch the machine on after filling the water reservoir up and the end result would be well in line with the cleanliness that you desired when you pictured how your rug would look eventually.